Step 4:
- Situation based help:
- Go back to the section we did on help available.
- See what can work for you in your particular situation by having a look at the offerings.
- Do not get hung up on political jargon. You cannot get any assistance if you do not even try.
- Take action. Now!
- Keep on writing in your gratitude journal
- Stick to the contract that you have signed with yourselves earlier in this training.
- Retirement:
- If you have to retire in this time, unless you are a government employee, try to postpone, since investments in your retirement fund might have reduced the amount of available investments drastically.
- The funds will not be able to generate enough investment income to sustain you.
- Ask for a part time employment if you have to retire. Leave the money in the fund; do not take it out now. Wait until the markets recover.
- DO NOT retire early!
If you have no other option, think of what you want to do for the rest of your life. You can start a completely new career, live, and work for another 20 to 40 years.
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